:: AIESEC LC UB - 2010/2011 ::

Monday, April 26, 2010

Family Gathering


Really nice to see you again on the other story of AIESEC LC Brawijaya University.

Now, our story is about our Family Gathering for all of new member AIESEC Local Committee Brawijaya University was held in April 17, 2010 at PPI hall Brawijaya University, Malang.

Our theme is “Our Values are Our Happiness”, why? Because all of the activities that we can do in AIESEC are to complete our self with six values in AIESEC, there are Striving for excellent, Enjoying Participation, Living Diversity, Activating Leadership, Demonstrating integrity, and Acting Sustainably, we always facing it with happiness.

We not just have special theme, but also special guest star, they are Mr. Djanalis Djanaid as our Board of Advisor, Mr. Bambang Siswanto as a representation of parent (peb’s parent), Guindra Pramudi Nugraha, and Amelia Safitri as representation of alumni AIESEC LC UB. Really proud, when our gathering have moderator from Duta Pariwisata Kota Malang 2008, Hardi Oktasawira (LCVP OGX AIESEC LC UB 0708) and master of ceremony Duta Pariwisata Kota Malang 2009 Olga

First session, we have AIESEC introducing that conduct by Risky Febrianto and Nissa Rahmawati as LCP current and elect. After 60 minutes, we have talk show about our theme who conducts by Okta as a moderator.

So interesting session because in this session all of parents who came in that gathering, get much of information about AIESEC in reality and fact evidences.

When question and answer session, some of them really active to know more about their child doing in AIESEC.

Really great moment for us as OC, when know that this gathering impact full for AIESEC LC UB progression, because our parents still decision maker for our carrier in AIESEC.

So hope from this gathering, they can support us as AIESEC member.

Thank you for EB 0910, EB 1011, member, old member, guest stars, alumni, new member, OC onsite. See you in family gathering 2011.


Organizing Committee Family Gathering “OC LIMA HARI ???!?!?!?” feel the shock!!

Shintia-Meng-Barbara-Suta-Kalin-Mas Fani-Bejo-Galuh-Najib-Dhayu-Chintia

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