:: AIESEC LC UB - 2010/2011 ::

Friday, August 31, 2007

EB meeting

apa yang ada di benak kalian tentang EB meeting??
  1. Kegiatan paling menyenangkan di siang bolong
  2. OSPEK para EB
  3. Berpesta
  4. Nge- gosip
  5. Ngeliyatin Okta ama Sekar yang bertarung di "ring" LC
  6. Dengerin mas Rama selalu bilang "Guyz respect.." soalnya itu si VP (tanpa sebut merek) selali bertingkah konyol ^_^
  7. Ato show off LAPTOP

Hmm.. yang benar adalah kita emang meeting, bukan yang aneh- aneh, kalaupun ada kejadian aneh yang terjadi itu adalah ulah pihak- pihak yang sangat peduli terhadap perasaan orang lain (biar ga bosen trus bunuh diri.....)


salam AIESEC

AIESEC satu JIWA satu....

(kayana pernah dengar jargon yang kaya gitu...??)

-I aM-



Ayo tebak gambar...

tapi bukan gambar "apanya" tapi gambar siapakah orang dibalik "itunya" maksudnya di balik foto ini...



kejadian aneh nan jarang ini terjadi ketika kita (sebut saja para EB) sedang nyenyak2nya tidur ketika Deasy sedang berceramah panjang lebar tentang progress reportnya di departemen TM ^_^ entah apa yang diimpikannya, tapi spontan (lihat posisi tangannya) dia langsung mengambil sebuah alat yang menyerupai "#######" dan jadilah pose yang sedikit aneh menjurus ke jorok!!!

aku hanya berpikir untuk mengabadikan momen indah ini tanpa ikut berpikir yang aneh2 juga loh...


ya mungkin saat itu dia lagi berpikir hingga keras tentang exchangenya..

tapi yang jadi pertanyaan... "Emang mau exchange apa Mas, koq bisa bikin posisi kayak gitu?"

-VP paparazi-

AIESEC Recruitment part I


akhirnya 2 dari 6 rangkaian acara PBoX terlewati...
AIESEC Promotion and AIESEC Open House udah lumayan sukses kita jalani...

Amazingnya,dalam 2 hari kita udah punya 160-an applicant (I don't know the number exactly,,he,,he sorry)
waaawww,,,keren ga sih...

Thanx to all crew yang mau ngebantuin proses Recruitment ini..
mulai dari OC-OC yang persiapan Cuco' Beng2 (I dun know how to show my Big Thanx to ya Guyz..), EB-EB yang alwayz stand by (luv ya much Guyz), LCP yg lagi KPK tapi teteup memantau walaupun mengorbankan banyak pulsa (smangat Mas..!!!) dan AIESEC member yang ga putuz-putuznya ngasi support ke kita2 (thank u thank u everybody)

Kita mazih punya serangkaian acara yang mazi menanti...
AIESEC day+written test, Discussion Group, and Interview..

semuanyaaaa,,harap mazi bersedia membantu kami yhaaa...



Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Promosi Maba '07

Last Sunday we’ve done great promotion in Sakri, thanks for all who have come to join yeeeeyyyyy,,,!!!

We’re gonna have open house also at basement on next Wednesday – Thursday (29 – 30 Aug 2007). Then open application for newbies ’07,, finally we’re gonna have newbies hehe,,,

Hopefully we’ll get competence, responsible, and high integrity newbies. Amieeennnn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Cheers for all of you guys!!


Saturday, August 25, 2007

we are as AIESECer!


This is important for us as AIESECers,
1. Don't be afraid with Exchange! Exchange is our program,we must involve and participate in exchange as AIESECers. we can get best learning experience from exchange.

2.We must understand every department in AIESEC.
we work in one functional but you can involve in other functional.
we have individual timeline, you can look your individual timeline,
you know when you should start and end your work, after you finish your work,
you can involve in other functional.

3. Pro Active and Self Driven
Let's make great culture in our LC. Start with Pro Active to get the best learning, AIESEC provide our learning both Physical and virtual and Self driven to take every opportunity in AIESEC. Develop your self because you are responsible to your self!

4. Virtual Space
I'm sad when only few people use www.aiesec.net, we can find great learning from here. you can join many community and forum, get a lot of stuff (file, video, photo, even new friend). Hope this year everyone starts virtual learning.

Hopefully everyone here can be CHANGE AGENT who give positive impact to society. All the best for you all!

Let's start Year of Excellence!

Road To Full Member!

LCP 0708

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Finally in EB’s history in term 2007-2008 tercetaklah, terbitlah, termunculkanpun suatu BIG PLENNARY yang bertitahkan MAYDAY (My Manager's Day), walaupun sudah termaktub dalam opening flash, tapi masih ada juga manajer kita (sebut saja Bunga – 20) yang menyebut “MAIDAY” fiuh.. sayang ini bukan bulan MAI Bung (kalo mei sih ndak papa kalau mau menyebut MAIDAY!! MERDEKA!! Lha kalau saya mah Cuma bisa cekikikan, yang memang pekerjaan saya^_^
Acara sehari setelah peringatan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia ini dihadiri oleh 11 orang manajer dari total 18 orang.
Hati saya ini ternyata sempat deg- degan juga, mengingat persiapannya dilaksanakan dalam tempo yang sesingkat- singkatnya.
Berikut saya lampirkan SCHEDULE / RUNDOWN ACARA pada hari itu (Sabtu 18 Agustus 2007)

Rundown Manager Day

09.00 - 09.10 Opening Flash
09.10 - 09.17 Roll Dance
09.17 - 09.20 Buffer
09.20 - 09.50 AIESEC Way
09.50 - 09.55 Buffer
09.55 - 10.15 YP Introduction
10.15 - 10.25 Q & A
10.25 - 10.32 Ice Breaker
10.32 - 10.35 Buffer
10.35 - 11.05 OGX New Flow
11.05 - 11.10 Buffer
11.10 - 11.40 ICX New Flow
11.40 - 12.00 Discussion
12.20 - 12.40 Presentation
12.40 - 13.10 ISHOMA
13.10 - 13.15 Buffer
13.15 - 13.35 Selling AIESEC
13.35 - 13.55 Product Packaging
13.55 - 14.02 Ice Breaker
14.02 - 14.05 Buffer
14.05 - 14.35 LN
14.35 - 14.55 Discussion 2 LN
14.55 - 15.15 Presentation
15.15 - 15.3 aiesec.net
15.30 - 15.45 Insight XP
15.45 - 16.00 Leadership
16.00 - 16.03 R & R
16.03 - 16.13 Wrap Up
16.13 - 16.18 Announcement
16.18 - 16.20 Closing

Seperti biasanya, acara selalu kita awali dengan berdoa, dan Alhamdulillah memang berjalan lancar namun seperti seorang satpol PP berkata “Tiada jalan aspal di Indonesia yang tidak retak” wajar menurut saya apabila dalam suatu acara ada ketidak sempurnaan, yang pasti tidak mengganggu jalannya acara.

Wrap Up:

Opening Flash
Opening Flashnya Cool.. Tingkatin terus & Bagi2 ilmunya..

Thanks buat ngajarin ilmu barunya..

YP Introduction
Too complicated. Need more detail,,terlalu panjang

OGX New Flow
Cukup ngerti tapi ada juga yang bilang nggak jelas

ICX New Flow
Clear enough..

Selling AIESEC
Ada yang bilang seru,, ada juga yang bilang ngambang..

Product Packaging
Seru, tapi nggak terlalu understandable, masih bingung konkretnya..

kurang detail,, terlalu text book, nggak jelas, agak ngantuk, untung ada diskusinya


Insight XP
clear enough, ada jga yang nggak nyambung & masih ada yang bingung, kurang persuasif & terlalu militer.

Kurang motivated, kurang persuasif (Masih too military,,kurang wise), agak ngantuk, ada juga yang nggak jelas..

General Comments:
Over aLL bagus, tapi kurang banyak yang dateng,, Thanks buat EB yang udah meluangkan waktunya.. Buat yang lebih seru..
Materi terlalu berat jadi kaya brain washing day.. Perlu waktu lagi..
Kalo bisa diadainnya jangan pas liburan,, biar manager bisa dateng semua..


After defeat all the material in that day the managers live happily ever after


It was Sunday when we (Rama, Deasy, Okta, and Guindra) met with our OC of PROCHUREMENT, they are Mil (as OC PDD) and Edwin as (OCP), and we were talking about the schedules when the clock showed at 1 pm + 30 minutes. EXITED was the word that come out from my mouth when I changed my position into sat, before that my body was laying on the floor. My eye is open wide and I scream a little!!! Because Deasy is tickling my hip^_^
Although there were only 6 peoples join the small conference, but the situation is so crowd of laugh, it was fun but also serious, especially when Rama said shut uuuPPP!!!
We’re soon back to the topic...
So, guys want to see the SCHEDULES??
Here we go...


23 – 26 August : PK2 MABA
26 August : Promotion Spread @ Pamphlet
27 – (Unlimited) August : Organization Promo (AIESEC promo)
29 – (Unlimited) August : Start Open Recruitment
29 – 30 August : Open house
07.00 – 08.30 : Preparation
09.30 – 10.00 : Presentation
7, 8, 9 September : Krida Mahasiswa FE


9 – 12 September : Open Application
16 September : Written test + AIESEC day
23 September : Discussion Group
24 – 30 September : Interview
5 November : Announcement newbies
7 November : Welcoming newbies

We are also trying to make a lil bit cool and crazy concept for AIESEC promo to the new college students
2. Intoduction
3. Opening flash
5. “BULE” Session
6. Roll Call (Spirit etc.)

So Guys, Show us that you are truly AIESEC member with join to the

AIESEC Promo on 26 November 2007 in SASANA KRIDA!!!
Let’s prove to all that we are cool, global, and we proud to be a part of AIESEC!!

We need YOU!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

ICX Blog (coba2 ngisi)

ICX BLOG – 2007, Aug 20th
ICX BLOG – 2007, Aug 20th

It’s been almost 2 months since take over, ICX team have worked hard to achieve our target. In Marketing we’re in process of collecting data from last term, all data about Marketing Companies in Malang. But we got an obstacle, the FD (flasdisc) that save all the data is attacked by viruses and now we’re still trying to save the FD without deleting all data in it. And on next Wednesday we’ve set meeting with current TN Taker, UnMuh, to discuss about our partnership.

For Delivery, we’ve made concept about advertisement and the follow up. We also made advertisement in email, collaboration between Delivery Manager and IM Manager. Well,,, and in this week we’re gonna discuss about Internal Research for Delivery . Sounds yummy ha?? Hehehe,,,

And on next Tuesday we’ll have special guest from Japan, Maki, who will study in Poltek Malang for about one year majoring Indonesian Language. And hope she could come to our Promotion to new students to attract their attention huhuhu,,, . So SnL Manager could learn a little bit about preparing the coming of intern in Malang, coz she has looked for home-stay for a while ‘till Maki gets “kost” for her own. And for everyone who wants to go to pick her up in Arjosari just contact Sekar.

So many things to do,,, beside we’re still in holiday, ‘till we haven’t had special meeting with bonding as the agenda. It’s also important for team, to understand more each other . Wheeeww,,, thanks to all ICX Manager, Titis, Marting, and Riska for all the things you’ve done .

And very proud that all of ICX Manager came to Manager Day on Saturday, 2007 Aug 18th while it was right after Indonesian Independence Day which should be a holiday for us. But all of you were come to MyDay,,, really appreciate it guys .

Yup,,, yup,,, yup,,, yup,,, yup,,, let’s work together ICX Team!! Yuhuuuu,,,

Good luck for all!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Guyz this is our new Blog!!
Use it Wisely..
