:: AIESEC LC UB - 2010/2011 ::

Saturday, December 29, 2007

After Get Along with Newbies

Enjoy Paparazzi Capture:

My EB and LC Coach look tired after Wonderful Training.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I've got my picture on http://live.myaiesec.net/
others wanna try this out?
just visit the address and be part on it..

Why we need Communication?

Hai, it's a pleasure for me, that I can read again here, I would like to say thank you again, for all of u who use our virtual platform, like this blog and be our communication media. It's really important for us, like i heard some prediction that in 2008 is the era of internet. Internet will blow up like a bom, means that everyone will pay attention in the internet. Do you think that AIESEC is global? if the answer is yes, so how do you make a chat with its members? 40.000 members all around the world? internet will facilitate you. AIESEC now has its mass media like myaiesec.net it's user friendly, but only few people use it, like in our LC. It's all about activating leadership itself, do you want to have a global mindset or not is a choice. If I were you, I'll be pro active in this virtual platform, coz even you cannot meet personally, but al least you've maintain a communication, and as you know, communication is the basic things that we need to have.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

thX-CA`s CoNfESSioN

Hey hommies!!!!! Thx-ca in da house!!!!!! Just give me biG hay!!!!! Hohohoho…… Well, it`s my first time I visit this site. I think it is cool web. I can know others feeling and what they have done with their day and many more. I want to tell about my deep sorry that I could not attend in last hot crowd event. =)) I know that the events be not cucoK benG2*) without me and I do know you guYS would miss me…cuZ that paRTy would flow hot without Thx-ca. HOHOHHOO…….Actually, I already contact Ara to go there together. But when I came to my doc, he goes that I could not come there, I had to take a rest. So, I spent my Saturday nite at my room with my cats. Hiks…hiks….. Then, I thought that all of people in that villa had gooodd day, they had hot roll dance, they got session together with other( although it`s not my priority) (LOL), and they had big nice smile with others. Huhhhhhuuuhu…I miss yOu all guyZ……. HEY!!!!! WHERE’S MY SUGAR TUBE????!!!!!( is that right ???? TUBE???))).please give it back to me….. I`ll give you my signature and my photos ( if it`s necessary) =D There is another loss again, I hav to catch up all the materies by myself….. So for all of EBs, help me Yapz……Tengkyuh……
I wanna say thank you for people that already chose me as Team Leader for Children Task Force. I will strive here. I`ll try my best here. So, for all of my teammates ( wince,dilla,ara,icha,anne,valen)(yuhuhuuhuuhuh where are you guys???!!!!) I do need your contribution here. Cuz this teammate will feel nothing without your hot participation. We can reach their hand out to get their future that they want to be. We can do it, just let`s show our move to others. I believe in this team. ChiLDreN tEAM H.OT.T.O.G.O!!!!!! MMuaccHHHHH......
UHMmmmm...on lasT DEc 16th was my DAd`s bDAy.......So, I wanna SaY happy BdAy to hiM aND " that was cooL party, DaD!!!!! U haD HoT FlAVa!!!!" I wanna those foods again.....hohohoho......Wish the best for yOU........ =)). Does ANy oTher know good medicine for sucK couGH like THIs????? uHUhukkkkk...uHUhukkkkk......... >.<

*) cucoK BenG - BEnG = very cool!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


 Information Technology ( IT ) is a phrase used to refer to specific technical component, normally organized as hardware, software and communication, which are used to make up an information system
 Information system ( IS ) is the totally of technological and human component that work together to produce the information systems and services that a business needs, and that process information for same organizational purpose
 Information management ( IM ) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences
IM encompasses :


Monday, December 17, 2007

IM repoting

Information management is consist of two parts.
First, Information technology which's : soft wares,
programs, hard wares (consist of tools such as computer,
dvd radio, etc)
Second is Information System which's human components and

The objectives of this department are to getting right
information, in the right times, and for the right person.
So, the main functions of this department is to searching,
maintaining, processing, delivering to people, and making
an evaluation about how's important is the information.

This department is named Information System Department
before 2007.
Now, This department is lead by Guindra as President with
3 manager:

- Puji as database manager (to collecting, maintaining,
processing, and saving the data of information)

- MIld as physical platform manager (create any kinds of
printed information such as : wallmagz, in news, news
letter, bulletin, etc)

- Intan as virtual platform manager (maintaining AIESEC LC
UB's blogs)


Friday, December 14, 2007



  • Information Technology (IT) : subsistem (teknologi)

  • Information System (IS) : kumpulan subsistem (teknologi + human)

  • Information Management (IM) : getting the right info to the right person, the right time, and place to gain value. The term “place” include physical and virtual (community, blog, my@net, email, messenger).


  1. Recognize and manage complexity

  2. Focus on adoption

  3. Deliver, tangible, and visible benefit

  4. Priority according to business needs

  5. Take a journey of thousand steps

  6. Provide strong leadership

  7. Mitigate risk

  8. Communicate extensive

  9. Deliver seamless user experience

  10. Choose the first project carefully


gara-gara RESUme IM!

dEAR bapak guin.....
ini saya punya dongeng dari NEgeri AIESEC...JUDULnyah

di IM ada apa - apa...
ada 1 vice president serta 2 stafnya....
1. im adalah salah satu department di aiesec yang berfungsi untuk mengatur segala informasi yang keluar masuk di aiesec.
2. im terdiri dari.....
> information teknologi
> information systeM
> information ManagemENT
3. proses informasi yang ada di IM
> mengambil info
> mengolah info
> menyampaikan info pada member
> evaluasi
seluruh department yang ada dalam aiesec selalu berhubungan dan saling berkaitan dengan department IM,,,
SUDA yah intina YANG ada DI im TU SEMUA BERKAITAn dengan informasi yang akan membuat member di aiesec hidup bahagia selamanya......
- sekian-
oleh ica

Summary Boeat Guin

Tadi mwx q copy dari word yang uda q buwat dengan segenap hati dan tumpah darahq...
Namun apalah dayaq.... Ternyata g' isa langsung copy paste...
And q g ngerti apa2 ttg blog.... Hiks4.....

Dengan ini kupersembahkan summary atas permintaanmu dengan segala keterbatasan yang aku punya... Jangan dinyek yo!


  • Information Technology (IT) : subsistem (teknologi)

  • Information System (IS) : kumpulan subsistem (teknologi + human)

  • Information Management (IM) : getting the right info to the right person, the right time, and place to gain value. The term “place” include physical and virtual (community, blog, my@net, email, messenger).


Recognize and manage complexity

Focus on adoption

Deliver, tangible, and visible benefit

Priority according to business needs

Take a journey of thousand steps

Provide strong leadership

Mitigate risk

Communicate extensive

Deliver seamless user experience

Choose the first project carefully

~Precilia Setia Ningrum~

summary inductionya guin..

asli..hari ini melelahkan....agak menyesal juga sekitar 2 jam dari waktu hidup ku dihabiskan untuk belajar matematika bersama om david kaluge...tapi gapapa deh demi masa depan..

ni guin summary yang kamu minta..

Information Management (IM)

IT contents of : information system (IS) and information technology (IT)

IT : kumpulan software-software + hardware (tools) e.g:radio,tv
function: menyampaikan informasi

IS : human component + technology

IM : getting the right information to the right person, right place,right time to gain value..pokoknya mengolah informasi untuk orang lain dan mengevaluasi informasi tersebut

IM structure :
VP IM > database >physical platform > virtual platform

database : pengumpulan,memproses, dan menyimpan informasi
physical platform : menciptakan dan menampilkan informasi, e.g: wallmagz,in newz, n bulletin
virtual platform : bloggs

thats all from me..

thx guin...


ini andinnnn!yuhuuuuuu

yayayaaaa. mentang2 IM maunya kita2 para newbie disuru lgs ngeblog ksini. okelaah kami mngalah!ahiahhhaaaaa. guin2 moso mbe tonggo dewe ae lho. harusny kan ada dispensasi!xp. langsung saja wes ..

IM adalah salah satu departemen yang fungsinya memanage inform to LC, menyambungkan info dari MC ke LC, pokoknya all about information ...

IM sebelumnya namanya dulu Information System

IM terdiri dari:
- informasi teknologi>>perangkatnya
- informasi system >>teknologi dengan human component
- informasi management>>kumpulan dari orang,proses,teknologi dan contain

tahap2 yang dilakukan oleh IM adalah
- mengambil info
- mengolah
- menyampaikan
- evaluasi

IM LC UB saat ini memiliki 1VP dan 2 manager.

Amy's Here...4 Guguks' Induction

This is 4 GUGUK.......
I thought you said the blog was about our experiece in aiesec so far, but how come everybody's talking bout information etc.....
You know i was late 4 ur induction..wups...

Anyways, i wanna say that AIESEC is really really cool....I'm excited to be a part of it and do my jobs...Dont care bout what people say or think or judge bout AIESEC cuz they just don't know!!!!!!
Hope everyone can join Get Along With Newbies...cuz that's our last exzozting journey...

Ok2, lets talk a little bout IM
Informasi is suatu pengolahan data yang nantinya akan keluar sebagai informasi..
Information Management terdiri dari :
1. Information Technology ( software and hardware )
2. Information System ( human )
3. Information Management ( both )

Places to give information :
1. Physical,exmple : Bulletin Board, Wallmags
2. Virtual,exmple : myaiesec.net

I guess thats' all 4 now

see ya in the next blog ",)

IM summary frOm aRa tO guIndra....!!!!!

informasi adalah data2 yang nantinya akan diolah menjadi input
namun informasi tersebut harus diseleksi dulu sebelum di jadikan input,yang dimaksud dengan seleksi adalah menempatkan informasi-informasi tersebut ke tema-tema yang seharusnya proses inilah yang disebut informasi manajemen

IM melipUti:
Information Teknologi:Program yang berupa soFtware dan hardware yang berguna untuk merealisasikan informasi tersebuT

Information System:Kumpulan sub-sistem2 yang berupa teknologi dan manusia yang membentuk sistem

wadah informasinya dibagi 2:

jadi IT+IS=IM


Resume by Amel to Guindra

IM Principle :
  • Recognize and manage comlexity
  • focus on adaption
  • Deliver tangible and visible benefit
  • Priorities according to business needs
  • Provide strong leadership
  • Mitigate risk
@Informasi merupakan pengolahan data yang akhirnya keluar menjadi informasi
@System merupakan suatu kumpulan dari ubsitembaik fisik maupun non fisik yang saling berhubungan dan bekerja secara harmonis untuk mencapai suatu tujuan.

= >sehingga informasi system merupakan:
  • Informasi system adalah suatu gabungan antara human resource dan tecnologi yang berkerja saling membantu untuk menghasilkan sesuatu pengertian yang dibutuhkan orang lain.
***Dari informasi system di kenal juga Informasi managemen :
merupakan cara untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat(,right time to the right person),yang dimaksud adalah cara mendapat kan informasi yang sesuai dengan perencanaan pada waktu yang tepat,tempat yang benar dan ditujukan pada orang yang tepat pula,sehingga informasi tersebut dapat berguna.

''''' yah.... itulah sedikit resum yang aku buwat dari induction yang diberikan oleh orang yang paling FUNY,,,,, SpirYt ....yEh,,SpiRyt("_")

It's Up to You!!!!!

by ArMy, for Guindra

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Unsur Information Management
- Information Technology
Merupakan sekumpulan program yang membentuk suatu software; juga hardware. Hanya memiliki 1 unsur, yaitu teknologi.
- Information System
Merupakan sekumpulan subsistem-subsistem yang membentuk suatu sistem. Memiliki 2 unsur, yaitu teknologi dan manusia.
- Information Management
Mengumpulkan semua informasi-informasi yang benar, dilanjutkan atau dikirimkan ke orang yang benar, di waktu dan tempat yang tepat, untuk mendapatkan nilai. Unsur-unsur di dalam Information Management merupakan gabungan dari Information Technology dan Information System.
“Tempat” menyajikan informasi :
a. Physical
Example : Bulletin Board, In-News, Wallmags, and Newsletter.
b. Virtual
Example : Community (yang dikelola oleh LC IM), Blog, MyAiesec.net (yang merupakan gabungan dari Wikipedia, Face Book, dan Friendster), E-mail, and Messenger.

Information Management Principle
Recognize and manage complexity.
Focus on adaption.
Deliver tangible and visible benefits.
Prioritise according to business needs.
Take a journey of a thousand steps.
Provide strong leadership.
Mitigate risks.
Communicate extensively.
Deliver a seamless user experience.
Change the first project carefully.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Information Management
IT merupakan kumpulan alat-alat untuk menyampaikan informasi
IS merupakan human components dari IT atau orang-orang yang menjalankan sistem informasi
IM adalah bagaimana mencari informasi, bagaimana mengolah informasi, kepada siapa informasi diberikan, dan bagaimana mengevaluasi informasi.
VP IM =>Database(mengumpulkan dan memproses data)
Physical Platform(menampilkan printed material, seperti wallmagz,
in news, newsletter, dan buletin)
Virtual Platform(mengelola blog UB)

by Chintia Dewi


hmFp......pada hari minggu quw dapet sms dari MaS rama,kLo diHari itu ada InductioN.
Trus quw dateng kLC,,,,
SetelaH dateng dan dapet inducTion darI maS rama...eH tapi wakTu itu bukan induction Sie sebenernya Lebih kearah tanya jawaB tentang AieSec gitu.
Abis iTu diLanjutin Dengan Induction Oleh GUinDra.....
iSinya adalah...
InfoRmasi adalah Sebuah pengolahan data2 yang akirNya keluar sebagai informasI.Trus sYstem itu Sendiri adalah Suatu kumpulan dari suatu subsistem baik Fisik & non FISik yg berhubungan & bekerjasaNma dengan harMoniS bwT mencapai SwaTu GoaL.

naH...Suatu gabungan antara Human Resource & teknologi yang bekerja SalinG bantU membantu & bahu membahU untuk mengHasiLkan suatU pengertian yG dButuhKan orang Laen merupakan Singkatan dari InforMasi System.
Sedangkan InforMasI management adalah Bagaimana Cara Qta mendapatKan inFormaSi yg tepat, RighT time,RighT place to the right person.

Jd intinya iT-->IS-->iM.
SpiRit...(yeah2 we got Spirit)2....we got wha'..wha'..wha'..wha'..wha'.......SPIRIT....!!!!

DarI NAdia...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

NATCON 2 and NLDS Bandung

Yeah,, this is our 2nd big National Conference in Indonesia, this conference is like the progress report for Quarter 1, July, August, and September.

More fun, that’s what I felt when I firstly join the Conference, before this I never let myself to take a walk around the city before conference started, actually because of Rama!he2 more over the agenda was so excited, there is GALA DINNER and GLOBAL VILLAGE, waw!!!! But still with Tata and her “…Legislation times come on…” the most freakin’ important agenda, but never mind! We proudly present the only boy for the second time join again the BONDAGIUM quiz… Indra!!! I don’t know it’s because of his confident or were pushed by the LCP, he…again be our representative in that quiz, and as you can guess, we lose it again…

We are glad to bring up the newbie come along to join their first national conferences in NLDS (National Leadership Development Seminar) track. I heard all of them like the conference as well, and it’s encouraging them to speak English as the AIESEC’s official language.

LC’s performance is quarterly reported to MC and then MC gives us feedback. So for the next quarter the achievement are based on results, anything we will do is about he result it self. Talking about result, many of our strategies are also changes, but it still aligns with out current conditions, anyway.

Guyz, the opportunities in AIESEC are always come, it’s depend on you how you will maximize those opportunity, take it or leave it..

ISAC 2007, this is the first time

ISAC is the short of Information System of AIESEC Conference. Its theme is “Cross Border beyond Your Limitation” the content of this conference is Information Management - how this functional support others functional. New system (myaiesec.net) is the most powerful tools to support AIESEC system is the biggest way this year.

This is really amazing experiences that I got in terms of my department; this is the right platform to develop my self and contribute to our LC.

Facilitators from India (Aditya Kumar as Senior Global Musketeers), Malaysia (Nicholas as MCVP IM), Hong Kong (Vin Lee as MCVP IM), New Zealand (David Benjamin as National Project Leader), and Indonesia (David Susandi as MCVP IM) gathered there to prepare us the agent of IM.

Want to know who are the delegates? There is Mehdi from Tunisia, Nichole and Mike from Hongkong, all VP IM and some IM managers from Indonesia. Like Aditya always said, COOL, and added by Tata, become “…it’s TOTALLY COOL…”

I just can’t wait to see the changes made by our new system..

Coming soon this 10th December 2007

Myaiesec.net will be LAUNCHED

Thursday, November 29, 2007

What? Gossip? Ssst...

ANTO’ who don't know this newbie? After shocking newbie’s day plenary with his Tompi “wannabe” now he’s making his own gossip..

1st gossip with the curly girl named Olin
Look, the new hot couple spent the time shopping, are they also shops for love? Who knows? Only time can answer it…

2nd not enough Olin, he made the new relationship with other 2 girls in Gala Dinner, hmm… as the AIESEC member you have to share anything include girls!! haha

3rd oh my god, Can you guess from the first time met him, is there any constraints about him?? Find it in this picture.. he’s really satisfied

1..2..3.. Snap!!

Do you like to get photo?
Is act in front of the camera now your hobbies?
But what did you do if you start to lose your pose?
New references of doing pose in front of the camera..

It’s easy..

Just look at this 2 guys pose, Anto’s And Zaky’s
Really creative unlike super model…
I called it “picking something” pose

Monday, November 12, 2007

Reward and Recognition for EB

This is Reward and Recognition for Executive Board 0708 based on performance in Quarter one:
  • Deasy Apriliany K. (VP TM) as Best Progressive EB
  • Indra Hukam Alam P. (VP ER) as Best Result Orientation
  • Sekar Istianingrum (VP ICX) as Best Exchanger
Congratulation for All of you!

LCP 0708

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Make HEROES Happen!

Hi Guys! I wanna share my little story from HEROES CONFERENCE, Malaysia. Actually, Heroes in my fist international Conference. it's AMAZING Conference, i met high potential people across Asia pacific, i met ken from Australia, he's my best friend there, i met Elaine from China, Dexter from Taiwan, i met Satoshi 'Dance Machine and Yoka Cing Cing Boy' and Akira from Japan, and many new friends. Also i met MCPs and Asia Pacific Growth Network Board. One place, 80 peoples. International conference is connecting AIESECer, it's power of AIESEC.
HEROES is umbrella for Market Expansion and HIV/AIDS for Asia Pacific Growth Network. we have external session from expert. it's very interesting. The party is also awesome, for schooling party, my team (me, ken, titah, adi, min) 'AIDSPHORIA' won this competition. we beat 8 group in 1 hours, ha55.
After going back from HEROES, we should MAKE HEROES HAPPEN by creating PBoX, IBXP and giving positive impact for society. my promise to HEROES is 12 exchange realize, so guys, Let's hand in hand to MAke it Happen!

I dare you to join international conference, let's challenge ourselves to enter Global Network!
You will see the REAL Competition!

LCP 0708

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Iedul Fitri

For all AIESEC members

forgive all my faults that I've ever done

Forgive me if I have mistake in attitude, speaking, or anything

coz we're gonna meet Iedul Fitri

a Day for forgiveness,,,



May God bless you all forever n_n

Faith makes all things possible, Hope make all things work, Love makes all things beautiful”

may all of you have all of the three

hehehe,,, it is cool, isn't it?

Yeah,, I copy it from someone n_n

Friday, September 28, 2007

Adam and The Backbone

"Ok, Dam seberapa besar sih kesiapan kamu buat jadi OCP NATCON III Malang?"

Mungkin begitulah yang diucapkan Valent ketika sedang melakukan screening Adam sebagai OCP NATCON III Malang..
Screening tersebut dihadiri oleh jajaran pengurus AIESEC LC UB periode 07/ 08, tapi juga ada Mbak Titah loh..
Iya, sekitar 65 menit kita semua saling bertukar pikiran tentang apa yang akan kita lakukan untuk NATCON..
Oia bagi AIESECer yang belom pernah menghadapi screening sebelumnya, jangan takut kalau dengar kata- kata screening, soalna namanya juga screening, bukan OSPEK!! ga ada yang namanya bentak2 an, ato dorong2an kaya nonton konser Ungu, ato malah salaing memojokkan kaya debat kusir (sebenrnya aku juga bingung dengan kata- kata debat kusir, ya kalau tidak salah sih artinya berdebat sambil mengendarai delman lah...)
eh, mau tau bocoran kata2 mbak Titah ngga?
ya, kalu aku nangkep c Mbak Titah bilang gini..
"Sebenernya kalau screening OCP itu sudah harus ada konsep secara general maupun per departemen, tapi Adam ndak punya... itu kekurangannya.. tapi aku (Mbak Titah red.) setuju koq"
Slamat ya Adam, you'll gonna Pimp'in NATCON III Malang
We'll wait for the innovation

Interview preparation

Sebelum saya mulai cerita sebaiknya mulut mbak Desy ditutup dulu deh..
tolong itu Mas Okta Bisa dibungkem mulutna mbak Desy..he2
Yupz.. TM back again with all those stories about recruitment!!
It's the right time to have meeting to discuss about the interview guideline and scoring
the floor is crowded of mass society in AIESEC..
actually it's too much..
yeah, While Deasy is talking long- long away,
and I'm just take my cell phone and "snap"
gotcha.. I got your picture guyz..
Ok, it's really important to whom who will be the interviewer,
but, in the middle of the meeting, there is a hot discussion appears!!
of course it's about exchange,
how lucky I'm coz they don't discuss bout IM
It's minus 1 and half hour when the meeting its over,
and we are ready for DISCUSSION group..


SPMB test in D- Building Hall????


it was the AIESEC writing test, one of the Recruitment Process to look for the best talent in Economic Faculty

it was attended by more or less 108 applicant from over 150 applicat who collected the registration form
We are very glad to held this event eventhough it was in the fasting day..
I can feel my throat getting really dry after giving the presentation about AIESEC history at that day

humm..I was so nervous to give my presentation, but I just think to give the best that I can, and
let it go with the flow..

The applicant, yeah, I wondering where is their SPIRIT??
We saw a young people that supposed to have a big energy, passion, and spirit

they show us nothing
Well, it's OK

It just the first, can't wait to see their performance in Discussion Group and Interview
-thanks for the OC, and all member who took part in AIESEC DAY-


Guest from NZ

Her name is Michelle,,

for sure I didn't know her age, but I know that she's wearing a blue shirt ^_^

Michelle came here in an AFS programme, an educational purpose, she was talkative, of course because we ask her too much question..

Hmm.. but that's good

We heard a big different of educational system between Indonesia and New Zealand.. A very big one!!
I was surprised when heard Michelle explanation bout it, oia Michelle is an Elementary Scool teacher in NZ, there students were trained to be an active one, and yeah.. I've ever seen how the kids were talking in English fluently and really brave to speak up in Oprah Winfrey. I was wondering if I lived there and speak english fluently without mixed it with bahasa or Javanesse...
The teacher there were really appreciate with all the kids do in school, full of responsibility and respect..
hey,,it's a good learning about how the kidz were punished if they made a problem..
just bring them to the headmaster, call his / her parents..
and do you know the purpose is?
nothing except to decrease their playing time..(hyu..hyu)
it's different with Indonesia..
I used to do those aerobic things like push up and sit up when I forget to wear my tie in monday ceremony in the yard..


Kali ini V***n yang beruntung dipotret wajahnya..
wah ga nyangka ya AIESECer satu ini fotogenic banget,
posenya alami..
bisa bikin siapa aja ketawa
sumpah, ndak boong aku
Mmm.. cari deh satu aja persamaan di foto itu..
apa hayoo??
sama- sama jelek?iya..
Tau ga c klu ternyata VP PROJECT yang satu ini punya satu ciri khas
klu dia lagi cape- capenya..
itu..tuh mata "panda"
coba perhatiin lebih detail di bagian matanya..
pasti ada buletan itemnya, tapi bukan tahi lalat^_^
gimana kayak panda kan?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

work hard,, study hard,, fieewww,,,

























We Love Mas Bido,, We Do...

AIESEC Indonesia nu system... Sounds strange at the first time I heard...
Honestly,,in the beginning after I heard that information, I'm not ready to getting out from AIESEC LC UB's comfort zone...
I prefer to be being in faculty where we can get anything easier that if we just try it by our self...
Have the office for free and the other comfort facility that we might can't get if we should really2 "independent...”
Sounds selfish ya... But that's me,, with all my subjective-childish-spoiled thinking... (",)v
Until Mas Bido came... As the founder of our lovely LC,, he felt that he has responsible to give us direction about where should AIESEC LC UB should be in if we try to being independent...
He shared lots things to us,, sacrificing his priceless time..
(well, you're our biggest ASSET mas.. ^.^ ),,
gave us nu spirit,, taught us more about blue ocean strategy,,and package all of those with very constructive way..
He told us,, that being independent gives us more opportunity to build the 'really' professional organization..
not just student organization,, but the really professional organization that run by professional student that have ability to competite with other high-class organization..
Well, our short meeting plus unforgettable buka puasa dinner,, gives me lots experience..
I just feel that Mas Bido spirit as the 1st LCP where he build our AIESEC,, flowing down to me,, to not give up and keep on struggling..
ensuring us that experience that we get from AIESEC will be very helpful when we face the 'real world' and unchangeable..
Thanks Mas Bido, to give me very the precious advice that hopefully always motivate me while I’m down..
Thanks AIESEC that give me the opportunity to meet with lots of unbelievable people.. Not the greatest but the most impressed.. v(^.^)v
Thanks aLL!!!
Together Everyone Achieve More!!!
Let's move forward our LC!!!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

My First Blog

okey..this is my first time writing a story and out it into @LCUB blog..huuh, if I weren't an AIESECer, i think I would never do this..

dear member, I've been be a part of my EB team for 2 months, I felt confused with my job at the first time, made a year plan that I'd never seen before..there's been some sad..happy..hecticness..etc..but, as long as the time goes by, now I think I'm proud of being EB team of AIESEC LCUB for the term 0708.

there's many things that make my self "developed", being VP project, I learn how to manage time better, how to make a good concept, how to deal with many people, how to plan everything, and last but not least is how to be a good leader. I think this experience will be my unforgotten memories..n_n

after passed some trouble before, me and my EB team have selected OCPs and OCs for 2 main projects for this term, PBoX HIV/AIDS and NatCon 3 Malang, I would like to say thank you for 2 months of supports ( and hopefully many more months of supports ) to held these BIG project successfully..

SPIRIT !!!!!!!

VP Project

Thursday, September 6, 2007

haloooooo semua


dah tahu belum, sapa dibalik foto itu...

o,ya... da pengalaman yang selalu terjadi pada diriku n mungkin member2 lainnya..

" gak bisa masuk lc"
yups..ini dikarenakan kunci lc yang gak tahu kemana rimbanya...
waktu itu di sore hari yang dingin...(cz malang pada waktu itu diguyur hujan)

q ada perlu sesuatu di lc, tapi gak disangka lc tutup, ya udah langsung aku bergegas menuju tempat dimana kunci tersebut disimpan, eh....ternyata,kuncinya gak ada.

makan empek2
dicampur lodeh
capek deeeeeeeh,....^_*

ya akhirnya terpaksa pulang tanpa mendapatkan apa2..
yang bikin rada gimanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gitu, kejadian itu berulang2 Ha10000

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

new partners!!

owh.. yeah...
lets give a big round applause for our VP ER
he made it!!!plok...plok...plok...(sounds of clap hand)
the IEC and BS net is now be our partner!!!

me, from IM department was really proud for the rising of BS net.
because it will help us to share knowledge from the virtual media FREELY!!!


but don't worry as the AIESEC member you'll get discount up to 25%
so it only take cost for Rp 2.900,00
it's cheap isn't it???!!!


"the project is coming soon"


ready to look the history?

yes it was the "Malang's Balloons Day"

Was it great?

Was it colourful?

Now the other pictures..

Well overall it was great to give a positive impact to our society..

and now we're not gonna stop at the point..
we'll move on in the next
"Project Based on Exchange"

Come on Guys,
LC needs our participation to success this event..
so, lets make a better coordination for our next project

It's Fun
It's Challenging
It's Red


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New Season Begin!


Prepare ourselves for New member!

Get ready for  new season!

New talent. new passion. new face. new point of view. new challenge

Open our mind. our hand. our home for beloved New Member. Good luck!

LCP 0708

Friday, August 31, 2007

EB meeting

apa yang ada di benak kalian tentang EB meeting??
  1. Kegiatan paling menyenangkan di siang bolong
  2. OSPEK para EB
  3. Berpesta
  4. Nge- gosip
  5. Ngeliyatin Okta ama Sekar yang bertarung di "ring" LC
  6. Dengerin mas Rama selalu bilang "Guyz respect.." soalnya itu si VP (tanpa sebut merek) selali bertingkah konyol ^_^
  7. Ato show off LAPTOP

Hmm.. yang benar adalah kita emang meeting, bukan yang aneh- aneh, kalaupun ada kejadian aneh yang terjadi itu adalah ulah pihak- pihak yang sangat peduli terhadap perasaan orang lain (biar ga bosen trus bunuh diri.....)


salam AIESEC

AIESEC satu JIWA satu....

(kayana pernah dengar jargon yang kaya gitu...??)

-I aM-



Ayo tebak gambar...

tapi bukan gambar "apanya" tapi gambar siapakah orang dibalik "itunya" maksudnya di balik foto ini...



kejadian aneh nan jarang ini terjadi ketika kita (sebut saja para EB) sedang nyenyak2nya tidur ketika Deasy sedang berceramah panjang lebar tentang progress reportnya di departemen TM ^_^ entah apa yang diimpikannya, tapi spontan (lihat posisi tangannya) dia langsung mengambil sebuah alat yang menyerupai "#######" dan jadilah pose yang sedikit aneh menjurus ke jorok!!!

aku hanya berpikir untuk mengabadikan momen indah ini tanpa ikut berpikir yang aneh2 juga loh...


ya mungkin saat itu dia lagi berpikir hingga keras tentang exchangenya..

tapi yang jadi pertanyaan... "Emang mau exchange apa Mas, koq bisa bikin posisi kayak gitu?"

-VP paparazi-

AIESEC Recruitment part I


akhirnya 2 dari 6 rangkaian acara PBoX terlewati...
AIESEC Promotion and AIESEC Open House udah lumayan sukses kita jalani...

Amazingnya,dalam 2 hari kita udah punya 160-an applicant (I don't know the number exactly,,he,,he sorry)
waaawww,,,keren ga sih...

Thanx to all crew yang mau ngebantuin proses Recruitment ini..
mulai dari OC-OC yang persiapan Cuco' Beng2 (I dun know how to show my Big Thanx to ya Guyz..), EB-EB yang alwayz stand by (luv ya much Guyz), LCP yg lagi KPK tapi teteup memantau walaupun mengorbankan banyak pulsa (smangat Mas..!!!) dan AIESEC member yang ga putuz-putuznya ngasi support ke kita2 (thank u thank u everybody)

Kita mazih punya serangkaian acara yang mazi menanti...
AIESEC day+written test, Discussion Group, and Interview..

semuanyaaaa,,harap mazi bersedia membantu kami yhaaa...



Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Promosi Maba '07

Last Sunday we’ve done great promotion in Sakri, thanks for all who have come to join yeeeeyyyyy,,,!!!

We’re gonna have open house also at basement on next Wednesday – Thursday (29 – 30 Aug 2007). Then open application for newbies ’07,, finally we’re gonna have newbies hehe,,,

Hopefully we’ll get competence, responsible, and high integrity newbies. Amieeennnn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Cheers for all of you guys!!


Saturday, August 25, 2007

we are as AIESECer!


This is important for us as AIESECers,
1. Don't be afraid with Exchange! Exchange is our program,we must involve and participate in exchange as AIESECers. we can get best learning experience from exchange.

2.We must understand every department in AIESEC.
we work in one functional but you can involve in other functional.
we have individual timeline, you can look your individual timeline,
you know when you should start and end your work, after you finish your work,
you can involve in other functional.

3. Pro Active and Self Driven
Let's make great culture in our LC. Start with Pro Active to get the best learning, AIESEC provide our learning both Physical and virtual and Self driven to take every opportunity in AIESEC. Develop your self because you are responsible to your self!

4. Virtual Space
I'm sad when only few people use www.aiesec.net, we can find great learning from here. you can join many community and forum, get a lot of stuff (file, video, photo, even new friend). Hope this year everyone starts virtual learning.

Hopefully everyone here can be CHANGE AGENT who give positive impact to society. All the best for you all!

Let's start Year of Excellence!

Road To Full Member!

LCP 0708