Hey Guys!!!
Do you want to "see" the world ??
Do you want to have a cool workshop with a cool speaker ??
Just come to our GLOBAL INTERNSHIP FAIR !!!
Here, we provide you guys to "see" the world through exchange !!
In this event, we will explain you about exchange and some workshop with an interested keyspeaker!! They are:
1. Wily Ariwiguna-Personal Effectiveness Coach Indonesian Respondent for Time to Shine,Australia
will bring topics about "Im The Citizen of The World"
2. Cristiana Sahertian - Representative of John Robert Power in Surabaya
will bring topics about "How to Win the Interview"
Then, we will promote our internship in 8 specification country,, we will also provide you all information about exchange, projects that you can involve there, living cost, accommodation, and etc.
The price is just Rp. 20.000 !!!
And you will get:
Snack, certificate, taste 8 different cuisines from 8 different countries !!
The ticket box is in Basement FE UB.
So come and join right now !!! It’s the time to prove that this world has no border !!!
Let’s do something for the world !!!!
PS: CP: Handhayu (085655574428), Mariyam (085649986001)