:: AIESEC LC UB - 2010/2011 ::

Monday, October 26, 2009


What's Up!!
How Do You Feel???

Yeah!! here this International Conference will held on December 12 to 16 2009
Get International Experiences and be a good Leader...
so join in NLDS Singapore 2009.

this link for Intenational Delegates


Come and Feel!!
let's join with us

New Media Partner

Profile Company:

Oryza FM adalah radio komunitas yang didirikan pada tahun 1998 dengan stasiunnya di Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Dijelaskan Bayu Adi Kusuma, programme director Oryza FM, dulunya radio ini digunakan sebagai laboratorium penyuluhan pertanian dan sempat berganti nama dua kali, yaitu Agri FM dan Kasuara FM.

Sejak berganti nama tersebut, segmentasi utama radio ini adalah masyarakat kampus. Dijelaskan Bayu, Oryza FM memiliki beberapa visi misi. Di antaranya, sebagai wahana sivitas untuk menyampaikan aspirasi dan informasi, di samping sebagai tempat bagi mahasiswa untuk berekspresi dan melatih skill berkomunikasi.

Sejauh ini, dijelaskannya, karena segmentasi radio tersebut adalah mahasiswa, maka pihaknya mengisi program dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan langsung dengan mahasiswa di antaranya pendidikan, informasi beasiswa, tips-tips bagi mahasiswa, dan sebagainya.

Atas hal itupula, AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Brawijaya menjalin hubungan kerjasama sebagai salah satu Media Partner. Untuk dapat lebih memfasilitasi mahasiswa-mahasiswa khususnya Universitas Brawijaya dalam hal edukasi, informasi kesempatan magang ke luar negeri (exchange), dan isu-isu sosial di masyarakat sekitar.

Dengan adanya hubungan kerjasama ini diharapkan keduabelah pihak dapat saling berkontribusi agar tercapainya tujuan bersama.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Communication Bonding #2

Communication department Local Committee University of Brawijaya proudly present “ Third Meeting and Bonding “ at Hoka-hoka Bento from 12.00pm until 16.00.

This third communication department meeting and bonding was so excited than last meeting and bonding.

For the first, we are lunch together. After that, we shared about our VP and one of our manager experience when came to National Conference in Lembang, Bandung. Many experiences they got from those National Conference. Dandi, our virtual manager of communication said that there are so many problems. We shared all about media tracking for the first quarter.

But, from evaluation for the first quarter, we shared how to improve our job for the next quarter.


Our meeting and bonding was so interesting. Each person must gave some exciting games. Such as TRUTH OR TRUTH. This game we must to explore and gave the real answer from our question. Not only truth or truth, but also we played the (alih fungsi). Hahahaha. This is games we must to change one things to other functional things.

And finally.. we walked inside MOG and saw everything, bought ice tea and Suta wanted buy shoes but he didn’t have money yet. Hahaha.. and we walked out of MOG and say good bye each other. See you! :)

Friday, October 23, 2009



Monday, October 19, 2009


Internship Fair, 7-8 Nov 2009, gedung PPI Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UB.Grab
the Opportunity, Be there!!! Ticket Box : Basement FE UB 9am-3pm..

Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcoming New Member, EP and Halal Bihalal

Hi AIESEC...?!!!
What’s up!!!
How do you feel..????

First of all let us say congratulation to our beloved LC, AIESEC LC Brawijaya University, because be the best LC in Indonesia term 08/09.
We so proud to be part of this LC..
Now, we have 36 new members in our LC...., yeeeeah...

After long process (around 40 days) we have selection 140 applicants...and then in October 6, 2009 we held "WELCOMING NEW MEMBER, EP AND HALAL BIHALAL".
The OC invites new members (of course), EBs, Managers, members, EP, and special guest is Natasa, she is AIESECer from Slovakia.

Here is our gathering, that get started at 5 pm in Risty house (Jl. DR. Wahidin Malang)
Our MC (Dandi and Bonbon) open our gathering with merry video flash, the video flash is about selection process and 36 new members name. (yeeeaa..!!! so shocked they are...).
Then, our LCP Rizky Febrianto or Mas Peb give welcome mat and introduction about EP, EBs and the departments too.. And he announced best VP for September is Nissa Rahmawati as VP Talent Management Department (Congratulation...!!!).

To make our new members feel the atmosphere of AIESEC LC UB, we told them with some roll dance and roll call.

After that, we have inspiring session, yeah.. that's Mas Wily session. He told about how proud us to be AIESECers and how to give some motivation to our self to go exchange
The inspiring session continue with Guindra session, ya.. He went to exchange to China, wao. . so cool right!!!
He told about his experiences and he told us from his excellent video flash... (We suggest you to watch that video!!!)

Actually, our LC have a lot of project from this month like Adhoc and Internship Fair, our new members must know about it, so we have explanation session with Shintia as Development Manager, Tika as VP ICX, Mariam as SnL Manager, Olin as PBoX Coordinator and Aryo as OC of Internship Fair 2009. After explanation, all of new member filled temporary allocation from development manager to know what their passion for the first allocation process.

Ouwh...lost to, the time point out in 9 pm.
We must end the gathering,... With some special dinner from Risty's Family.

The Ocs feel so happy because can closed that long recruitment process with smile...just keep your spirit, guys..!!

Special thanks :

Allah SWT
Risty and Family
Executive Board AIESEC LC UB 09/10
VP Talent Management AIESEC LC UB as Steering Committee of Recruitment 2009
Managers AIESEC LC UB 09/10
Members and old members AIESEC LC UB
Wily Ariwiguna
Guindra P.
Prita (EP)
New Members
And all of you guys who always support us in this process recruitment.