:: AIESEC LC UB - 2010/2011 ::

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

thX-CA`s CoNfESSioN

Hey hommies!!!!! Thx-ca in da house!!!!!! Just give me biG hay!!!!! Hohohoho…… Well, it`s my first time I visit this site. I think it is cool web. I can know others feeling and what they have done with their day and many more. I want to tell about my deep sorry that I could not attend in last hot crowd event. =)) I know that the events be not cucoK benG2*) without me and I do know you guYS would miss me…cuZ that paRTy would flow hot without Thx-ca. HOHOHHOO…….Actually, I already contact Ara to go there together. But when I came to my doc, he goes that I could not come there, I had to take a rest. So, I spent my Saturday nite at my room with my cats. Hiks…hiks….. Then, I thought that all of people in that villa had gooodd day, they had hot roll dance, they got session together with other( although it`s not my priority) (LOL), and they had big nice smile with others. Huhhhhhuuuhu…I miss yOu all guyZ……. HEY!!!!! WHERE’S MY SUGAR TUBE????!!!!!( is that right ???? TUBE???))).please give it back to me….. I`ll give you my signature and my photos ( if it`s necessary) =D There is another loss again, I hav to catch up all the materies by myself….. So for all of EBs, help me Yapz……Tengkyuh……
I wanna say thank you for people that already chose me as Team Leader for Children Task Force. I will strive here. I`ll try my best here. So, for all of my teammates ( wince,dilla,ara,icha,anne,valen)(yuhuhuuhuuhuh where are you guys???!!!!) I do need your contribution here. Cuz this teammate will feel nothing without your hot participation. We can reach their hand out to get their future that they want to be. We can do it, just let`s show our move to others. I believe in this team. ChiLDreN tEAM H.OT.T.O.G.O!!!!!! MMuaccHHHHH......
UHMmmmm...on lasT DEc 16th was my DAd`s bDAy.......So, I wanna SaY happy BdAy to hiM aND " that was cooL party, DaD!!!!! U haD HoT FlAVa!!!!" I wanna those foods again.....hohohoho......Wish the best for yOU........ =)). Does ANy oTher know good medicine for sucK couGH like THIs????? uHUhukkkkk...uHUhukkkkk......... >.<

*) cucoK BenG - BEnG = very cool!!!!!!

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