If there is a question questioning about how is your life as an EB, here some answers for that question. My life as an EB challenge, stressful, responsible, fun, tired, and I have my “family” in EB team. You can see some pictures that describe a little bit about my life as an EB.
First time I was selected to be a VP I was surprised, happy, and the last is I felt confuse. It’s all because I was a newbie and didn’t know of VP’s tasks. Thanks to all “whispers” that came in to my ears that pushed me kindly to apply at the 3rd open application desperately and poorly hehehehe,,, ;D (peace man,, V(n_n)V). Finally I took the booklet and filled it,, and you know what? Ghosh,,!! The booklet was extremely “HOT”, I just can’t figure out how I could fill it, since my AIESEC knowledge was so poor and I had no idea about answering the 74 “HOT” questions! So lucky you guys who apply for EB position now,,
When I was selected we were not full team yet, only mas Rama-LCP, mba Acie’-GA&F, Bang Juri-ER, Kenta (Gween)-IM (IS at that time), and the hot chick me-ICX hahaha narsis,,, We went to NPM Jakarta, planed strategies for LC, and gained knowledge as much as I could, met other EBs from other LCs and also MCs, yeaah,, the entire family of AIESEC Indonesia,, when the voyage finally began. When finally Bunta (Okta)-OGX and mba Val-Project joined team yeeaaayy!!! Got the full team finally… The most desperate time for me is when we developed LC year plan,, wooaaa,, damn GREAT! Well,, the point is I learned a lot from being a part of EB. Sometimes we fight, just like kids, sometimes we feel angry to each other, but mostly it feels like family to have them near me (oohh,, your head got bigger then hehehe,,). We share ideas, share feelings, share stories (good and bad), I feel so damn EXCELLENT!! Well,, I develop my self here,, a lot,, so,, c’mon,, apply for EB position guys, you won’t regret it!
Here I wanna describe my EB team.. Mas Ram as LCP must have a lots of patient to handle us since we like joking and laughing with no reasonable reasons,, seriously hehe,, especially at EB meeting, well,, at least it doesn’t influence our performance too much , thanks to mas Ram who has been so patient to us. And good luck for your final test (compre)!! n_n GAMBATTE!!
The princess from Solo (poetri Solo) mba Acie’, the one and only “real” woman in EB team. With all your limitation, you’ve got to this point,, salute for you. And then the having-a-very-good-relationship-with-manager-Mba Val,, hahaha,, when will you announce your official status for your relationship? ;) yeeaahh,, you’ve worked so hard, we can see it from your “panda eyes”. But still you can balance your AIESEC and study, GREAT JOB! Then,, the big Bang Juri, who has been so inspiring for me . Well,, he has talent in influencing people, great & fantastic ideas always, and has been kinda advisor for every tough moments (hiperbola ga’ seehh? hehehe,,,). Anyway,, thanks to Bang Jur, it’s been nice to work with you and GAMBATTE! For your MC application and PKN too
;D. And we have Korea-maniac-Mba Des,, salute for applying VP TM and it’s your 2nd term to be part of EB team, since TM is a new system so,, you’ve done a very GREAT JOB for that! Why don’t you apply for LCP? ;) it’s not late hehe… Next is my sparing partner, Bunta (buncit nista) Okta gembul. Since we fight a lot during this term, but you’ve done EXCELLENT! And I heard you’ve earned reserve from your promo hohoho,,, Last but not least is my School mate Kenta (keceng nista) Gween, the womanizer (what do they see at him? Ckckck,,,). Hahaha,,, finally you’ll join Okta, mba Acie’, and me to feel the pain and fun of using “kawat gigi”. Youngest EB,, but you don’t act like a child,, sometimes,, mostly you do hehehe,,, n_n. Just don’t be afraid of challenges, this world is full of challenges ok?! Best IM, best case practice, wheuw,, applause for you,, when will you teach me those HTML things? And also flash and corel stuff? I know you’re good at it,, well,, sadly I’m not :p.
I’m proud of my EB team, proud to their achievement, their effort, their commitment, and their dedication. Luph you all,, so now,, who will continue our journey and our effort to achieve more? It’s good,, it’s good,, it’s good to be in EB team!! Yeeaaayyy,,, n_n